After a moment, Brit responded, “You do not like magic, Ethan.” Though she saw Ethan use archaic methods to do mystical things, she had noted his distain when others used similar methods. “How did you know these two? Were they friends of yours? Did they perish? How long ago did they live?” With a grin, Ethan patiently let her ramble out her questions until she puffed her cheeks and whispered, “I know….one question at a time.”
With a soft chuckle, he touched her nose playfully and said, “All questions will be answered in due time, darling. This is simply a story, but all stories tend to be based on some inkling of truth, hm?” She smiled giving him an affirmative nod and he settled her back to him and continued. “As fate would have it, each responded with immediate animosity when they first saw one another. Of course the rivalry continued. One took top marks one week only to be usurped the following week. And each blamed the other for their own lack of success when the other moved ahead.”
“I guess that made them not like each other even more,” lisped Brit. She shifted against Ethan so that she could look up at him. Seeing him nod in agreement, she settled back against him. Within his mind, she glimpsed images that she assumed were Belladonna and Eosphoros.
Ethan caressed her arm. “With hatred growing, each lost the ability to think rationally when it came to the other. With each passing week, the other had planned how to discredit or dishonor the other so they would leave. It was late in their first year when they gave up trying to harm the other, and a more sinister plan started to form.”
Brit’s eyes grew big. “They tried to perish each other?”
Brushing his lips over her temple, Ethan said, “No, baby. Truly perishing would have been kind compared to what each planned.” Brit looked almost fearful but remained silent to hear what each did. Ethan gave her a reassuring hug and reminded her, “Tis a story, baby. No need for concern.” She relaxed against him and he moved forward with the story. “Eosphoros decided that, since he could not drive Belladonna off, he would enslave her. Staying up all night, he made a love potion that would bind her to him. Her heart would feel that it could not beat if he were not near.”
Looking thoroughly confused, Brit said, “He hated her so he wanted her to love him?” Ethan nodded. “That does not seem like hate to me. Maybe he secretly loved her.”
“It is said that there is a very thin line between love and hate,” Ethan said. It was clear to him that Brit did not understand, but to discuss such now would mean to side track from the story. Ethan had learned early on to stick to a path when talking with Brit or their conversations would go in more directions than hydras had heads. Besides, he had eternity to follow each path in time. “We shall come back to that topic, baby.”
Brit settled again and Ethan handed her some juice to sip as he returned to the story. “So, Eosphoros would simply give her the potion and Bella would fall in love with him. And he would extract his revenge on her daily knowing she would love him and he would hate her.” Ethan waited for Brit to process and was rewarded with an audible gasp as Brit realized how much it would hurt the other to love and not be loved in return.
He could feel her heart ache for the unloved magic student and moved on quickly. “Eosphoros took his potion and placed it in a wine bottle. He found Bella in a lab working on a class assignment. Entering, he said, ‘Look. We have been at odds for years. Perhaps we should set aside our childhood anger and agree that we will not continue this rivalry since we shall be breathing the same air until we graduate.’ He was most sincere in his tone and actions.”
“Indeed, Bella was surprised,” explained Ethan. “After all, they had hated each other for years. Eosphoros handed Bella a bottle of wine and asked, ‘Truce?’ Bella looked doubtful, but reached for it to accept it. It was a very small bottle and Eosphoros said, ‘I would be so honored if you would accept this truce by drinking of it.’ And with that, he poured the liquid into a glass.”
“If he was always mean to her, why would she trust him?” asked Brit. Ethan hinted a grin that she thought of the obvious question. To him, it showed growth.
“Bella did not trust him. She asked him to sip first and he made a bit of a scene, but drank after telling her that her skepticism was not helping their new truce. Of course, magic users tend to be immune to their own concoctions.” Ethan’s fingers curled a strand of her hair around his index finger. “She watched him drink and said, ‘Then please drink with me.’ And with that, she too poured him a glass of wine from the open bottle she had beside her. Her own glass just inches from her fingertips.’ Seeing this, he smiled graciously accepting her offer. The two clinked glasses and both drank.”
Brit whispered, “And then she fell in love with him and he still hated her!” Her eyes widened in a mixture of horror and sadness.
“Don’t jump ahead,” Ethan chided gently with a playful poke causing her to giggle slightly. She was too focused on the story, and so he went forward with it. “Each drank while watching the other. They kept their individual glasses to their lips and poured in the contents slowly. By drinking slowly and watching, each encouraged the other to drain their glasses dry. When their glasses were empty, each smiled a contented smile.”
“And then she fell in love with him and he still hated her!” Brit exclaimed.
With a bounce and a tickle, Ethan said, “Slow down, you!” Brit giggled more merrily causing him to grin again. When she quieted, he said, “The room was quiet and each sat watching the other. It was then that Bella noticed how very beautiful Eosophoros looked as he gazed back at her almost lovingly. Perhaps the lighting had improved, she thought.”
“Uh oh,” whispered Brit.
“Bella desired above all other things to touch him. Her fingers curled into each other to prevent her from doing so. His hand seemed to reach for her hair and he grabbed the edge of the table blinking. Bella gasped and he widened his eyes. Each shouted, ‘You gave me a potion! What was it?’ They went quiet again and stared at each other. Each seeing beauty and wonder in the other that they had never seen before. Each screamed, ‘How dare you!’ Then words flew from each other. Sparks flew quite literally as they attacked with magic which brought the attention of their instructors running to the lab.’
“Did she give him a potion too? What kind of potion? How did she know to give him one? Did she know he was giving her one?” Brit asked in rapid succession.
Ethan shrugged, “No one knows whether she knew or whether it was just amazing coincidence.” Shifting her back to him again, he said, “By the time, the instructors arrived, the laboratory was quite destroyed. With a bit of a truth spell, it was found that each had used magic against the other. Both gave the other a love potion and, for that, each was expelled from the academy.” Seeing her tilt her head, he clarified, “Expelled means cast out.”
Brit giggled, “Now they both love each other!”
Ethan grinned, “There is a fine line between love and hate, Brit. Neither had been on their own. They stood on the steps of the academy knowing they could not return home in disgrace to their parents. However, for a full hour, they continued to shout at each other that it was the other’s fault. Night was falling, and they spent their first night under trees as they continued to argue and were told to leave the small roadside inn.”
“Did they ever get along?” asked Brit.
“The sun is rising, baby. I will tell you more of their story another night. But safe to say that they were beloved of one another. Willingly or not.”
*tugs on your sleeve* momma, momma... I wants to hears the endings! dun make me waits pweeeeasse?? *big puppy eyes*
Only Ethan knows how it ends. :)
*turns to the other* poppa, poppa, I wants to hears how the story ends, pweeease tell me?? momma said youse knows! *bigger puppy eyes and crocodile tears forming with a quivering lower lip*
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