“I wish to give you a massage,” was the matter-of-fact response. Ethan’s second eyebrow joined the first unsure what to say or even where to begin. Brit puffed her cheeks and slid a book from his desk. Opening it, she read slowly, “Massage is a way for beloveds to get closer. It is a way to connect mentally and physically by engaging all senses.” Looking up, she whispered, “That sounds good, huh.”
Ethan’s eyes narrowed as he reached for the book. Flipping it open, he examined its contents thinking he may be paying someone in the library yet another visit. Brit continued to chatter as he flipped through the pages. She rushed through the titles starting with the history of massage and the power of touch. Her words flowed faster when he gazed over the book to her as she was telling him of the medical benefits of such practices. “I am not generally afflicted with headaches nor do I require help with increased circulation, darling,” he replied.
Pausing, Brit lisped, “I do not have headaches, Ethan, but maybe I would like increased circulation. My blood circulates.” Ethan tilted her head noting that she had clearly read the book and was obviously taken with the idea of doing something new to increase their closeness. Peeking into her mind, he could see she had linked the concept with romantic notions befitting a young wife. It showed growth, which pleased him greatly.
Looking around, he noticed that she had already made some preparations for a massage. Closing the book, he knew she likely went with the book’s suggestions for trying something new, and he did not wish to spoil her fun by knowing what was next. Besides, she looked cute dressed in her loose, frilly summertime nightgown. Ethan focused on his wife who was placing towels about the room and went to lighting soft-scented candles that she had enjoyed on their last vacation.
Brit spread out a thick sheet over their resting area while he watched with a bemused expression. She ran from the room only to return with a stack of towels and some oil that was heating in rusty-colored, warm water. “Where did you obtain the oil?” Ethan asked. Upon hearing the answer, Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment. He read the label carefully and found she had followed the book to purchase sweet almond oil. Opening it, he sniffed to ensure it was pure and nodded with satisfaction choosing not to scold her for venturing into the porn shop for the purchase.
Pressing play for music, a version of “When Love and Death Embrace” poured from the small speakers. Brit shook out a second sheet and peeked over it. “Um…you have to strip.”
Mouthing the word “strip”, Ethan coughed softly into his hand. Yes, she was definitely demonstrating growth, he thought as he shrugged off his jacket coat while watching her clear green eyes over the edge of the sheet. Regrouping, Ethan asked casually, “Did the book instruct you to tell me to strip, baby?”
She processed as she thought carefully, “No, but it said I have to rub everywhere and, if you did not strip, then oil would get all over your clothing.” Her eyes widened and he was amused that she was sincerely concerned over the potential damage to his clothing. Not wishing to tease too much, he discarded his clothing and let her wrap him in the sheet to direct him to the second sheet.
Ethan felt suddenly clumsy when she instructed him to lie on his back. He watched her curiously feeling suddenly unworldly beneath the sheet while he watched her move about. Rather than start to pour oil on him, she picked up the hair brush and focused on brushing his hair. When his eyes kept watching her, she leaned to kiss him before barely putting oil on her fingers and massaged his face gently then moved to rub his scalp. Her fingers caressed and she dragged her fingers lightly over the skin.
Feeling Ethan start to relax, Brit poured a bit more oil on her fingers and pressed them beneath him to let his weight push him on her hands that pulled gently along his large shoulders. He took a breath and exhaled slowly causing her to pause as he did not need to breathe. Feeling him relax more, she smiled.
Brit took her time caressing his skin. Sometimes, she would find tense spots, just like the book described. For these, she would press her palms and fingers against his flesh and slowly work the tension to his fingertips until he was completely relaxed. When she told him to roll to his tummy, a loud pop from several vertebrae were heard causing both to pause looking bewildered. Seeing her wide eyes, Ethan smiled catching a hand and placing it to his lips to let her know that she did not break him.
True to the book, Brit carefully practiced with long body massage strokes and kneaded the larger muscles in between. Her pace was very slow taking far more time that one might with such activity. Peeking again at her thoughts, she was focused on her hands and the feel of his body beneath them. No other thoughts entered her mind except following the instructions of the book, and the pleasure she had of examining him relaxed but not resting. She paused only when more soft pops were heard as his spine relaxed.
This time, it was Ethan who processed. He focused on the feelings and sensations that her touch yielded. Also the differences in the way she touched his skin. With a slight shift, he pondered that perhaps he would rethink his opinion of such practices. Immediately, he grimaced at the thought of anyone else giving him a massage. Rage flared at the slightest thought of anyone else touching her, and he quickly pushed the thought from his mind. This was an activity that should be reserved for proper couples, he thought.
“Are you okay,” asked Brit. Ethan refocused on her face as she gazed at him oddly. “You seemed uneasy for a moment,” she lisped. He noted that she was definitely in tune with him – possibly more than she had ever been before.
As for Ethan, he felt closer to her as well and marveled at the power of such a simple act. Ethan shook his head and said, “I was thinking….perhaps it is your turn.” He sat up feeling blissful. Pulling her nightgown off, he pressed her on to the sheet.
Brit whispered, “They don’t say how to get a massage…just how to give one!”
Chuckling, he said teasingly, “Then I suppose you shall learn like I did.” Pouring a bit of oil into his hands, he mimicked her actions almost to the textbook letter. Rather than lying lazily beneath his hands, Brit squirmed like a playful kitten. Ethan grinned and continued until he scooped her up to hold her tightly to him drinking lovingly from her throat.
*kisses down her spine after making sure every bit of tension is gone from her muscles and stops at the small of her back, making his way up again* so, what did the book say about dating after massages?
*blinkblinks* I don't think it said, but that is such a good idea!
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