After assuring himself that Brit was caring for herself properly, Ethan sent her to the library while he ran a few errands. Upon arrival, she saw Pix’s beloved Tony sitting in a library chair near the door. His head had lulled forward just before he jolted up straight with a loud, “I’m fine!” Tony had not heard her come in, but his words prompted her to ask him if he had drunken from Pix. Shaking his head, he bid Brit a greeting watching as she sank into her chair. Brit asked him whether he had to drink. “That is part of why I came here. I wanted the Omegans to do some research for me.”
After looking all around, Brit said, “No one is near.” Both sat in silence for a moment and Brit processed. Beloveds share and Pix mentioned that she would offer blood to Tony. To Brit, there was likely just one reason he continued to suffer. Perking, she lisped, “Maybe I can help.” Brit processed more and she told him directly, “Pix would not wish for you to be weak.” She nodded again still quite certain that she was correct. Pointing to her neck, she said, “You can bite here.” Her fingers traveled to her wrist, “Or here.” Tony’s astonished look told her that she was on the right track. She wondered about continuing but this was a matter of survival, so she decided to educate him thoroughly. Her fingers pointed to the crease of her leg near to the body and she said, “Sometimes, here is very good.” Brit smiled brightly as she said “And she will feel like your redeemer, which beloveds like to be.”
Tony quirked an eyebrow when she pointed to her thigh. He grumbled, “Ethan sure has been keeping busy.”
“He’s supposed to be busy. We are honeymooning,” she exclaimed remembering Larissa’s book. “Honeymoons are discussed right after the chapter about swooning.”
Her words caused his eyes to widen about and he coughed, “Well. Good for you two.” Brit beamed happily thinking someone finally understood. In the brief silence, Tony blinked a few times and then shook his head to remove the images. “So, about that research. Think you might be able to help me with that?”
Brit’s smile faded. Rubbing her nose, she lisped, “I just did your research.” Again pointing at her neck, wrist, and thigh-crease, she said more slowly, “You can bite her here, here, and here.” Realizing to whom he was conversing, Tony rested his palm against his forehead for a moment. Brit pulled both legs into the chair and watched him after propping her chin on her knees. “Didn’t you want research about how to bite Pix?” Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. “She is your beloved. And you are hers.” Tony silently stared at her over his hand. Brit seemed hurt and jutted her chin just a bit as she almost whispered, “Beloveds share. And Pix wants to be your redeemer.” Her lower lip was almost a pout.
Taking a few extra moments, Tony replied gently, “No. Actually.” He rubbed his chin and said calmly, “I’m completely aware how to bite people.” His eyes narrowed as Brit was making a diagram on the back of a library card application and was drawing large red X’s on the stick figure just in case he needed a visual. Hearing his words, she tossed it aside. Tony watched silently as she helped a library patron and used the time to think.
Returning, she offered, “Maybe it is because you and Pix are not married. Being married is a most honorable and proper thing. So. Marry her and then you can honeymoon too.” Brit was trying hard to be helpful, but her words had him sitting speechless again. She added softly, “But. Your lips are pretty blue. I don’t know if you can wait for a wedding.”
Tony’s eyes widened further and he exclaimed exasperated, “Brit!”
Brit looked up and said, “Yah?” Putting his finger to his lips, Tony shushed her and sat silently again regrouping his thoughts. Brit perked again, “Oh….is it a surprise?”
Tony inwardly groaned. Glancing at her told him that she expected an explanation. “That kind of thing is well.” Though he needed not to breathe, he took a deep breath gesturing with his hand and said, “It’s complicated.” She didn’t respond but thought of when she had gone to the Voodoo Shop and disrupted his canoodling session with Pix long ago. Tony tapped his fingers on the chair wondering whether he would frenzy before he got to the purpose of his visit. “Marriage is a commitment,” he offered. Brit’s bright smile indicated she understood that, but also told him that she was not following the same path he was on. He tried again, “Some people just need time to make that commitment. Understand?” She beamed more brightly. Tony shifted uncomfortably and finally said, “Besides.” Feelings that were long buried started to float near the top of his thoughts. He whispered, “I was already married once.”
Brit said nothing as she struggled to understand. Almost as if reading her thoughts, he said, “I was married, Brit. I am not anymore.” Tony’s sadness nearly filled the room. It seemed as if he was alone as he gazed out of the window. “Do you know the wedding vows?” She nodded but he did not see her. He said quietly, “Until death do us part.” Even the chaos of the street had stopped. Tony said, “My wife died a long time ago.” Time passed as they both sat in silence. Finally, he shook his head. “Anyway. What was I talking about?”
Tony reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small bottle. His hands shook as he popped off the top and showed her a small capsule. “This keeps me from needing to bite people. It is the last one I have. I need to know what it is exactly and whether more can be made.” Brit promised she would tell Joah and also said she would tell Ethan as the pill reminded her of the orbs that Ethan drank when he came out of torpor.
Tony left and Ethan arrived to escort her to their resting place. Again, Ethan patiently listened to her talk about Tony. His hand covered his lips as he watched her. She told him of the pill briefly, but was detailed about Tony’s wife. As she brushed out her hair, she remembered that Ethan once said that he only wanted her to feed all of his hungers. “Ethan, when I perish, I do not wish you to suffer.” She did not see him flinch at her words. “I wish you to do what you must to endure.” Ethan reached out and stroked her hair. He said nothing at all, but pulled her to lie beside him and buried his face in her hair until the sun forced him to rest.
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