((Taken from RP))
Flicking her tail-tip, Binx pressed her nose against the dirty glass of the diner and watched the dark-haired waitress with huge eyes. Platters of pancakes, sandwiches, pastries, and other goodies were served up and consumed by those trying to ignore the kitty girl looking pitiful through the window. The waitress’s occasional glance and lip-pursing caused Binx’s ears to droop. Klaws yawned behind Binx and she told him, “I’m hungry. And the lady remembers last time when we didn’t pay.”
Klaws could hear her tummy rumble and shifted uncomfortably knowing his pockets only contained lint. With another peek into the diner, he tugged the back of Binx’s jeans pulling her from the window. “Don’t be so obvious, you impatient minx.” Her look of hopeful adoration encouraged him to scrounge up a plan. With a grin, he waved her to the side of the diner behind the bricks where the waitress could not see. Looking both ways, he acted as if he was planning a conspiracy of epic proportions. Binx walked backward following him. He caressed her ears and said “We shall outwit the evil powers of capitalism and other evils demanded of that diner. And redistribute its wares to rightful owners.” His stance changed. “That would be us, by the way.”
“Can that happen before I lose a life to hunger?” she asked before being distracted by the intoxicating smell of food coming from the diner. Suddenly, the plan to simply rush in and grab the platters of food from some diners seemed like a fantastic idea. Seeing her tail twitch and her muscles tense, he slipped the tip of his paws in to the back of her jeans and tightened his hold telling her that they would outwit the waitress in the diner which meant that they would steal with a plan! Binx’s tummy didn’t care about any plan, but she trusted him enough to listen. Her nose twitched at the scent of food, so he knew he only had her in a rational mindset for a short moment or so. He outlined the plan: She would distract and he would grab food. With that, she bolted inside.
With a plan in mind, Klaws watched Binx walk up to the counter and eye the tip-jar. “Do not even think of it, kitty-girl,” said the waitress in a thick accent. “Get out of this diner! I know you from before,” she continued. Binx reached for an individual creamer and then for another. The waitress focused on her. “You! Get out now! Right now!” Klaws grinned. It was just as they planned. Binx held her ground and the waitress, Annika, walked nearer to her. Just as Klaws had told her, Binx reached and pulled Annika’s dark hair before jumping back to flip her off. First, the waitress stared, so Binx did it again. As the waitress screamed at Binx, Klaws hid behind the column waiting for the moment when the waitress would chase Binx.
The waitress stayed behind the counter so Binx popped open a creamer and drank it, but the waitress changed to a language Binx did not know when Binx flicked the container hitting Annika in the forehead and slowly extended a second middle finger toward her. Shouts were heard by other diners. As Binx gestured with both hands, the waitress reached under the counter and pulled out a sawed-off shotgun causing Binx to freeze with an audible gulp. Klaws mouthed “What the fuck?” He never dreamed the waitress would have such a thing, much less know what to do with it. As Annika fumbled looking for shells, he jumped from behind the column and grabbed a small pitcher of syrup from a nearby customer and threw it at Annika soaking her in stickiness.
Annika screamed at both kitties and slammed a handful of shells on the diner counter. She fumbled chambering two as Binx grabbed tips out of the tip jar and screamed to Klaws, “Kitty! Kitty!” Annika swung the shotgun up and fired it directly into the ceiling. Plaster fell like snow and both Binx and Klaws sputtered while being almost frozen in place.
Hearing Annika fumble to reload caused both Binx and Klaws to move fast. Klaws put both paws on the counter and leaped over it. He shouted, “DEATH TO THE DINER OPPRESSORS!” as he ran toward Annika hurling creamers, chocolate milk and syrup. Binx hissed as a large piece of plaster fell from the ceiling and shattered on the floor. Only Binx's fast reflexes kept it from hitting her. Annika swung blindly at Klaws with her shotgun. He hissed and shouted while grabbing up pastries, cookies, and sandwiches out of the pie safe at the edge of the counter.
Binx turned to two diners who had yet to touch their food. “I’ll be your waitress today,” she mewed quickly grabbing up steaming pancake platters dumping one on top of the other. She grabbed up a container of syrups and ran out of the door at the sound of two shells being chambered. “RUN!” she shouted at Klaws who was eyeing an entire pie. He put all in his shirt and held it grabbing a quarter of a cake instead and bound for the door.
Both ran as fast as they could trying not to lose any of their treasures. Covered in plaster powder and carrying food, neither attracted as many stares as they would in any other city. Reaching the room in the abandoned building where they had drug a cardboard box, Klaws started to unload his shirt of the food. “Damn. That shotgun wasn’t planned,” he mumbled while he inspected his loot.
Binx put her platter of pancakes down inspecting them. “I dropped a pancake,” she whined. Klaws dipped a soiled cloth in water and wiped the plaster from her. “That went well,” she smiled meaning every word. It was difficult to clean the plaster from her as she divvied up the money from the tip jar and gave him half.
Forcing a smile, he finished dusting her off before she returned the favor while he picked a piece of busted debris from his paw. She inspected it while he stood obediently for her to tend to him. “Yes, baby,” he said nuzzling her. “We got lots to eat now. This should keep us fed for at least two days.” He was unsure where they would obtain food after two days since they just robbed the main eatery in town.
Binx helped him clean up after soaking the pancakes in syrup and butter. Both snuggled on the stained, patchwork blanket and hungrily devoured the pancakes sharing the platter together, each taking one bite and giving the second to the other. As Binx fed him bites of cookies, he counted how much money each had received from the tip jar. It was not much, but would buy them each a couple of drinks at the Haven between bull rides. With the cookie, they each had a few shots of creamer.
Caressing her, he asked, “How is your belly feeling now?” She pulled his paws against her tummy while licking his lips with her rough tongue. He pawed playfully at her tummy that was now slightly rounded with food before settling her behind him. Binx reassured him that all was good and returned the light scratches along his belly and sides while whispering that she was his kitty. At her words, he growled low and softly, “You are damn sure as muthafucking hell right….my kitty.” His eyes narrows and he raked his claws over her jeans. The sound of the denim almost ripping fills the room.
Continuing to scratch his skin lightly, she licked his neck very slowly. Her claws extended slowly. “Miiiiiiine,” she said possessively. He responded in kind. She repeated, “MIIINE.” Her nails clawed harder at his back as she repeated herself slowly over and over. Klaws arched his back as he felt her claws sink into his skin. His own claws dug slightly into her thigh as he held his breath enduring the unexpected pain. Her paws scratched his skin drawing blood along his back and he moved from side to side resting his head against her shoulder when she stopped.
Giving him the sweetest of mews, she pulled him tightly against her feeling the wetness of the seeping scratches on her belly. He lay against her wondering what she scratched before pressing her against the pillows and rubbing his claws gently over her thighs. Turning, he cupped her face kissing her lips and rubbing the corners of his mouth over her face and hair.
Later Binx stared transfixed at her reflection in the window. Baring her tummy, she traced the word “Mine” that was printed there in blood from her scratches in his skin. He said sleepily, “Why did you write that?”
She replied, “Writing my name would be too possessive.” He grinned wickedly as he settled back on the rolled-up newspapers. She traced the letters while watching herself. Soft purring could be heard behind her from where Klaws now slept curled up in the broken-down cardboard box amidst the rolled-up newspapers. Klaws’ face was covered by his paws and a small pillow that he clutched protectively. She curled up next to him usurping the pillow’s placement.