Ethan grinned impishly as they walked through the thick foliage toward a large stone temple in ruins. “Not too many people know of this place,” he said looking around secretively. “Tonight, it is our private island.” Brit ran along behind him not wishing to get lost. The vegetation was so overgrown that she was sure he would never be able to find her if she strayed. Vines had reclaimed the temple. The moon shined down through remnants of stained glass casting an eerie glow around the vine-covered stone.
She slowed seeing a sarcophagus. The lid was heavy and intact as it set undisturbed in an alcove. Brit asked whether he had ever rested in such a box, not wishing to say the word “coffin.” Ethan nodded several times telling her that there was no safer place to rest. He reminisced about when he was first turned and did not have the ability to place wards as he did now. He walked her to it and the lid opened. Settling back against the soft velvet, he pulled her up to him balancing her slightly on top of him. The grinding sound of the lid caused her to shiver even as he stroked his hand down her back. Brit noticed the absolute absence of light. Even in their resting place, they always had a candle lit so that Brit could see. He was comfortable, but not resting, and he was very aware of her every move. In the quiet of the coffin, she whispered, “Tell me when you were….changed.”
Brit could not see his grin as he felt her taking in her surroundings. He moved to give her room to rest comfortably. “It’s a long story, Brit. But mainly it has to do with my group being captured by kindred…and after some time, their leader turned me into my current form.” As typical, she asked many questions. Was it scary? Did it hurt? Questions poured from her. He patiently waited for the stream to end before answering each one. “It did not really hurt, but it was scary,” Ethan told her. “And I didn’t exactly agree to it. After all, I was captive.” His fingers trailed through her hair.
Ethan did not describe what his captivity was like. He did not tell her that he watched his comrades die one at a time while not knowing when his turn would come. In his mind, he could see it clearly. In the silence, Brit grew quiet; and he could hear her touching the lid and then shivering when she realized she could not move it. He cuddled her to him. After a time, she asked who changed him. Ethan continued to run his fingers over her lightly and remained silent. Then he said, “The leader of that group of kindred did.” His mind played through it. It had happened after many nights of testing and pushing his body to the limit. He said softly, “I still do not know the name he had, but…he is the only one of the group that has evaded me.” His arms held her a bit tighter and then he opened the lid to help her out before continuing to explore.
“Ethan,” she lisped, “I would not know you if your life had been normal. And I would have never felt the love I feel…for it is only with you. There could be no other.”
Hinting a smile, he reached for her fingers entwining them in his again. “I know, baby. Therefore, I have no regrets. But you wanted to know what happened.” He walked from the temple to into the water toward a cave. She trailed after him.
Her words lisped asking, “So, should you see him in the city, then….all is okay?” The water felt freezing to her as she followed him from the temple. At the question, Ethan turned to her. Brit immediately leaned to kiss him and whispered, “I should not wish to endure without you, Ethan.”
Seeing her expression, he stroked her cheek. “Should he come to the city…should I find him, he would owe me many explanations, but other than that…” His voice trailed and he picked her up to place her against a heavy, moss-covered, wooden cross that kept her out of the water. The moonlight reflected along the glass and tinted the world a lovely green. Brit’s paleness reflected the light less for her blue-tinted lips that quivered with cold. Ethan whispered, “Share with me, princess. It will warm you up." He brought his wrist to his mouth and punctured the skin. Ethan then pressed his wrist to Brit’s mouth while he sank his fangs deep into her neck. He held her pressed against the cross while he drank heavily of her and ensured that she drank of him.
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