Stacy looked Ethan over. Rather than seeming arrogant as he had in the past when he encountered her, he stood there seeming quite anxious looking at her with big eyes while waiting for her response. Stacy pondered for a moment, her eyes shifting from the book in front of her to Ethan. She said, “I will do as you ask of me, taking into consideration your nature, and my own as well.”
Ethan felt that things were coming together. He said, “I do appreciate that and know you will find the best way possible to combine both our natures..with respect for what is different but keeping the heart of the blessing itself untouched.” Gweneth hinted a grin as she listened. Stacy responded, “It is seen in this world as a blessing but, to the Father, it is what it is: a union. Two souls bonded for as long as they both shall live, a mortal soul mating.”
After ensuring that the church would be kept safe during the ceremony and advising that a few of his kin would be joining as witnesses, he excused himself to greet Gweneth and prepare for the ceremony that was to start within the hour, which is the time he had given Brit to prepare.
Meanwhile, Omega and Larissa had their hands full assisting Brit who was bouncing from one area to another as they struggled to dress her. Omega was not surprised to see such garments as what was pulled from the trunk. Ethan had not selected the more modern versions, but rather authentic fashions of a much earlier era. It took a moment to sort each item after removing the tissue that cushioned each against wrinkling during transport.
First, Brit slid on the silk stockings that were almost opaque. Omega remembered when the sheerness were scandalous for the day and assisted Brit to connect each stocking to the antiquated garter that tied it in place. The pantalets were cut to fit Brit perfectly, and the brushed Egyptian cotton was edged with an icing of lace that dripped over each stocking-covered knee. Larissa tried to keep Brit’s focus while Omega tied on the first layer of petticoats. Again, yards of lace-edged, brushed cotton that tied prettily around Brit’s waist followed by a pretty ribbon-covered hoop petticoat frame only to be topped with yet another full petticoat. Both Larissa and Omega struggled to adjust each layer while Brit nearly danced in place. The gown settled over Brit and both helpers hushed for a moment. Omega commented on how pretty she looked and praised Ethan’s taste in clothing as well as brides. Larissa took hold of Brit’s hands to attempt to keep her in one spot as Omega buttoned the tiny buttons on the back of the gown. Excited chatter filled the room as one secured Brit’s crown of flowers and the other tried to find her feet to slide the slippers in place. The last thing item worn was the locket given to her by Denny and Viviane.
Larissa arranged Brit’s hair until it was perfect. “You are lovely, little girl.” Swallowing hard, Omega said, “Denny wanted to be here…but he will be very happy for you, I know.” She watched Brit flounce and twirl. “You look…so beautiful, Brit,” Omega told her as she fought back some emotions. “You really are a princess now,” Omega said. Taking Brit’s hands, Omega smiled to her, “The perfect bride.” She gave Brit a final look-over and said, “I know Ethan picked this out, but I think seeing you dressed in it will quit undo him.”
Larissa lengthened her own lovely dress with a snap of her fingers. Omega had already dressed for the wedding. Friday night rabble-rousers shot at each other down the street. “If they shoot my dress, Ethan will be way upset,” lisped Brit. Ethan was waiting at the door of the church with a bouquet in his hands. He stopped pacing and seemed speechless when he saw Brit. Omega said with a flourish, “Ethan, may I present your bride.” Omega walked up the steps and kissed Ethan’s cheek whispering, “A little more notice would have been nice.” Nodding to Omega respectfully, he regained his voice and said to both Larissa and Omega, “I think you both truly for bringing her to me.” Stepping forward, he took Brit’s hand and offered the bouquet. Larissa followed Omega inside. Ethan stared at her as if to burn her into his memory. He slowly kissed her hand and placed it on the crook of his arm, and then he walked her into the church.
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