Joah entered the library and was told that Larissa and Brit were talking about sex. Taking her seat near the fireplace, she said, “Talk on. Don’t let me interrupt you.” Larissa went on to say that fairy tales were mostly about sex, but told Brit that many books left the most interesting part out. Joah added, “Ah, fairy tales. Gruesome for the most part.” Joah told Brit that Cinderella’s sisters cut their feet to fit the slippers, and that Cinderella’s birds pecked out their eyes and they served Cinderella as blind slaves for the rest of their lives. This last part surprised even Larissa.
Brit was stunned and whispered, “What about Snow White?”
Joah said, “Or Sleeping Beauty?” Joah told both that the Snow White’s prince really just wanted her body and his men dropped Snow White’s glass coffin which dislodged the bite of the poisoned apple. And Sleeping Beauty’s prince raped her.
With a whispered lisp, Brit said, “I thought it was true love’s kiss that saved her….that he kissed her…both of them.” Larissa told her that fairy tales had many versions and confessed that she liked the twisted ones more as they were more interesting. “What was he going to do with a dead body?” asked Brit. Neither answered, but Joah told her that the tales change for those who do not like the brutality of them and suggested that Larissa might be better for educating Brit about sex.
Larissa gave Brit a book that looked very old. It was titled For the Education of Decent Young Ladies. Joah muttered, “That ought to be enlightening” and wondered if swooning was covered. Larissa decided that the book would do as a start. The conversation sidetracked to make up briefly. Brit told both how Ethan painted her face with make-up brushes which caused Larissa to tell her that she made a beautiful canvas. Responding to Larissa’s words, Joah said, “Sometimes two people paint each other’s bodies with their own.” When Brit asked how people did this, Joah graciously turned the conversation back to Larissa who volleyed it back to Joah. After a moment, Joah explained, “In the way of touching, they lie close. The man slides himself inside the woman’s legs…inside her.”
Trying to imagine it, Brit asked, “Sort of like canoodling?”
Joah saw that Larissa was not going to field this question either, so she sighed softly saying, “And I thought we were talking about fairy tales.” With a deep breath, Joah continued, “ Yes, Brit. Canoodling starts it. Except the part of the man that grows hard with excitement slides in between the woman’s legs, inside her warm wetness, completely into her.”
Brit listens without blinking. She remembers something while canoodling, but such things did not slip inside of anything. Brit finds it all pretty interesting. “But why?” With a glance to Larissa, she asks, “Why are your cheeks so red? Are you warm?”
Larissa struggled with the topic even though she brought it up. “Brit, you are so sweet, and some people are so mean. They can make fun of others’ innocence and ignorance. I would like you to learn more. I know you are quite intimate with Ethan, and I respect how he approaches you. I don’t know much about vampires though, and if he will ever…” She pauses and takes another deep breath. “There are people out there that would take such intimacy away and force it on others. And I would not want you to be a victim of that.” Thinking a moment, Larissa adds, “But also, it is beautiful to find these things for yourself with the one you love…and I wish for you all the best with that. It is hard to explain because without the excitement and that need, it is just plain. You have to be there in the verge of wanting it so much…then…it is the most beautiful thing.”
Nodding in agreement, Joah then continued, “When his excitement is over, and he grows soft again, he leaves seed inside the woman. Sometimes a baby grows from that and sometimes not.” Stretching, Joah wished she had her tea kettle with her. “Why? Because it feels as good as Ethan’s kiss, Brit. As for making babies without touching, I have no knowledge although I expect it feels the same.”
Brit blinkblinked and softly said, “Oh.” To Larissa, she asked, “Is that how you got pregnant?” She processes slowly connecting it with things she knows. As for Ethan’s kisses, she smiled and felt her cheeks warm slightly. Then asked Larissa, “Was it beautiful?”
Larissa raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, basically Joah is right. Biologically, that is how we reproduce. At the second question, she said, “Oh, it was!”
Joah quietly added, “But….sometimes it can also hurt. It can hurt very badly if done to someone who does not want it.”
Brit asked Larissa whether she was hurt. Larissa explained that she was not hurt, but people do complicate things. Joah agreed and said, “Yes, they do complicate things. There are many ways of being hurt. When the love is not returned by the beloved. Others.” Joah did not explain further as she remembered violence done to her when she was left for dead. All that was added was, “Others might use force…instead of love.”
Adding quietly, Larissa said, “And others take it for granted.” Brit asked GrrBrool who came into the library whether he ever had someone to force him to canoodle or not love him back. Larissa laughed, “I highly doubt it. Grr is so adorable.”
Blinking, GrrBrool said, “I see I came at an interesting time.” He suggested ‘adorable’ for his marker. Joah explained that they were talking about sex and asked him to share his experience for a male perspective. GrrBrool said, “From a technical side? Making puppies? Or tha good times side of things? Or scrumping to relieve tensions.” When Brit asked what was scrumping, GrrBrool said, “Oh, scrumping Well, that’s what it was called in the army when two troopers need ta get their minds back on the job.” He clarified that both sexes were in the army then continued, “They would find a quiet spot and well, work it out. Ya know…err….ta get tha hormones back in check.”
Joah had just made some tea and was close to spitting it. Larissa listened as GrrBrool continued to meander down the path explaining the need for scrumping. After a bit, Joah shifted the topic by asking whether Larissa had a book for decorous behavior for young men. Brit sat wide-eyed listening to Grr’s take on…scrumping.
Hearing the conversation shift and noticing Brit’s reaction, GrrBrool asked if it made sense and then whether it was a taboo topic. Larissa explained that Brit was just under-informed. Grr said that he was happy that everyone can feel so frank about stuff, then left to take a cool shower patting the cool walls on his way to depart.
Joah broke the silence when Grr left and said, “Brit, let’s just say that there are many ways men and women can make themselves feel good that way. But not all of them lead to babies. Only the one way that Larissa and I told you about.”
Brit nodded to show she understood, then went to get the urban dictionary. She opened it to find ‘scrumping.’ Reading slowly, she lisped, “Apple-stealing.” Then she read more, “When a man and a woman get it on. A redneck tuerm used when two people leave a party to do the deed quickly and return with knowing nods to their friends. Best done in a truck and in the woods.” She read more. “Rapid rabbit sex closely related to porn star sex.” To Joah and Larissa, Brit asked, “Is that good?”
Pondering a moment, Joah smiled saying, “Yes, that would probably describe ‘scrumping’ quite well.
Larissa burst out laughing. “Well, you see…just imagine ‘hungry’.” Brit closed the book and mouthed the word ‘hungry’ as she thought of canoodling and the feelings that it sometimes yields. “I think that is enough for one day,” said Larissa. Joah agreed.
Outside of the library, two eavesdroppers pushed off the wall. One said to the other, “Ethan needs a truck if he is going to scrump.” The other said, “Indeed.” And they both went to the Haven.
Assuming you are keeping to your 20 minutes, great strides in moving another plot to the "story" forward. Feels like chapter one of "The Education of Brit", perhaps hints at foreshadowing too.
--eartips blush--
I edited a log for this one, so it took about 45 minutes rather than the usual 25. I wanted to ensure that the feel of each person and the essence of the story were kept.
Gee....I delete my own comment and it fusses. :)
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